About - Research - Publications - Teaching

Luke Bertot


Ph.D in Computer Science
Research Engineer in Inria's Technological Development Service
Contact Information
- Email: luke.bertot at inria.fr


Simulating the Execution of Scientific Workloads in IaaS clouds

ICPS team, ICube laboratory, University of Strasbourg, 2014-2019

This work revolves around the execution of scientific/industrial workloads in cloud environments.

The virtually unlimited resources offered by cloud operators could be leverage for the execution of some scientific workloads. However combining the provisioning of resources with the scheduling of tasks in variable environments offers new challenges.

I have worked on integrating this variability in simulations to build tools for studying and predicting the execution of batch jobs in cloud environments. These can be used to :

Reproducibility in Scientific Testbeds

Resist Team and Grid'5000 technical team, INRIA Nancy--Grand Est, 2019-2021

As a member of the Grid'5000 technical team, I worked on tools and features to help with large scale experiments and reproducibility:

  1. I lead development on Grid'5000's (GENI-SFA) Aggregate Manager API, which allows researchers using the Fed4FIRE European testbed federation to use Grid'5000 resources. (https://www.grid5000.fr/w/Fed4FIRE)
  2. Developed Grid'5000 integrated Jupyterhub instance to facilitate deployment of Jupyter notebooks on all parts of the Grid'5000 platform. (https://www.grid5000.fr/w/Notebooks)
  3. Designed and prototyped a tool to extract experiment metadata from the Grid'5000 platform, to facilitate scientific data preservation. (https://www.grid5000.fr/w/Grid5000_Metadata_Bundler)
Automated Distributed Storage at the Edge

RMS team, INFRES department, Telecom-Paris, 2021-2023

This work revolved on designing a distributed storage solutions for far-edge clusters. These clusters, built from consumer hardware and small industrial computers, are expected to be highly heterogeneous and operate in highly active environments. As such, our storage solution needs to have as low an overhead as possible, and must be reliable in cases of node failure or connectivity loss. This work is a partnership with Cisco France.

CLUSSTER project

Technological Development Service (SDT), INRIA Nancy--Grand Est, 2023-

The CLUSSTER+ project aims to bolster french industry and research by providing a unified sovereign cloud infrastructure for AI and HPC. The project gathers commercial entities (Eviden, OVHcloud, Qarnot, CS Group, ActiveEon) and public institutions (Genci, IDRIS--CNRS, INRIA, CEA) to contribute expertise and computing resources to the new infrastructure.

As a member Inria, I participate to the design of the new platform with the other partners. I am also in charge of designing and implementing the software component necessary for Inria resources to be made available to the new infrastructure.

+ : CLoud Unifié Souverain de Services, de TEchnologies et d’infrastructuRes



IUT Robert Schuman

Strasbourg, 2014-2019

While working on my thesis I was a teaching assistant at a 2-year undergraduate school in Strasbourg (France). IUTs have a selective application process to limit classes to 100~120 students and have a strong emphasis on practical work through tutorials (in groups of ~35 students) and lab sessions (in groups of ~15). As a TA most of my work as was in tutorials and lab sessions:

École Polytechnique

Palaiseau, 2023

I intervened as a teaching assistant in one course of the École Polytechnique's Bachelor of Science program. This course was held mostly online with students advancing at their own rate and checking in regularly with the teaching team.